At MBi, we have a rich history of helping clients achieve the perfect formula for their products. Over the past 30 years, we have worked with hundreds of clients to produce and perfect their products from start to finish. Below are a few examples.
Case Study 1: Inconsistent Existing Product
Challenge: Our client was manufacturing their own product, which produced inconsistent results: each batch of product was different. They came to us for help when they were unable to get every batch to match their specifications.
Solution: After our team analyzed their formula, we spotted some specific problems. We recommended changes to certain raw materials and produced samples using those changes. We then reviewed the new formula and the samples with the client, and they approved it for mass production.
Result: Our new formula largely corrected the problem of batch inconsistency. Over time, we also improved the packaging, lead times, and performance of the product. We even created a sugar-free version of their product.
Case Study 2: Lotion with Preservatives
Challenge: A client discovered that their lotion, produced by another manufacturer, had microbial growth.
Solution: We analyzed the formula and the preservative system used by the other manufacturer. We found that the preservatives were not sufficient and, as a result, microbes were developing in certain temperatures and environments. We reformulated the lotion based on our past experience with preservatives.
Result: The new product no longer had the microbe problem, and was more stable overall.
Case Study 3: New Product from Start to Finish
Challenge: A customer tasked us with creating a formula, label, and package based on a product idea they had.
Solution: Our team listened carefully to the customer’s idea until we caught their vision. We then put together the best delivery system possible—including a custom formula, supply chain for the raw materials, research and development, production of samples, and testing of the stability of the product.
Result: Once the customer approved the samples, we finished everything else needed to bring their product to life, including the pricing strategy, label creation, packaging, final testing, and setting a launch date.
Case Study 4: Protein Powder Solubility, Mouthfeel, and Taste
Challenge: A company was having trouble with their protein powder product, which was not as soluble (able to be dissolved) as they needed. The mouthfeel and taste were also not satisfactory. Plus, batches were inconsistent. They asked us for help.
Solution: Our team analyzed several samples of the product and found a method to improve solubility. We also worked with flavor companies to improve the overall flavor and mask a bitterness the product had.
Result: The protein powder ended up with much better solubility and flavor. The whole product experience was improved for consumers.
Do you have an existing product to improve or a new product to bring to life? Contact us for a free quote.